Biodiesel can easily be used in any diesel engine vehicle. Once processed, washed, and dried, biodiesel can be simply poured into the fuel tank of any diesel engine. Biodiesel can also be mixed with petrodiesel in any ratio. It easily mixes with petrodiesel and is commonly sold commercially blended with petrodiesel.
When getting started, most homebrewers typically purchase commercially made biodiesel to test in their diesels first, just to get an idea of how it reacts with their engines. From there, they may use commercially made biodiesel as a benchmark against the fuel they make, comparing their homemade biodiesel to the commercially made biodiesel.
Within minutes of biodiesel being added to the fuel tank, and especially when used in high blend ratios (50% to 100%) a noticeable difference in engine noise begins. Most report a reduction in engine noise, a smoothing of the engine, and a noticeable change in the smell of the exhaust. The longer the biodiesel is run in the engine, the better things become.
Research has been done comparing biodiesel to petrodiesel across a wide range of measurements. One of the most significant differences is the drastic reduction in tailpipe emissions biodiesel produces over petrodiesel. Reductions in hydrocarbons, carbon dioxide, and particulate matter have been significant. For many using biodiesel, these emission reductions are reason enough to use this incredible alternative fuel.
Besides better emissions, research has indicated an increase in engine longevity, a decrease in engine maintenance, and a better performing engine. Because biodiesel has solvent properties by nature, it acts as a cleaning agent on the fuel system in diesel engines. This means that it cleans things up the more it's used.
Because of these solvent properties, some have noted that fuel lines in older diesel engines may degrade because the biodiesel breaks them down. Particularly susceptible are fuel lines made from natural rubber. Most of the susceptible fuel lines can easily be replaced with inexpensive fuel line that are biodiesel compatible. If in doubt, check with your local dealer. The lines usually degrade over time and develop small seeping leaks instead of large leaks.
Diesel engines made after 1993 and sold in the United States typically won't have this problem as the fuel lines are already biodiesel compatible. This is because of a reduction in sulphur in diesel fuel in 1993 in the United States that necessitated manufacturer's needing to change the fuel lines with non-rubber lines.
Homebrewers use biodiesel in varying blends but most commonly it's used in blends between 20% to 100% with 100% being the preferred method when weather allows. When the weather drops below 50° F, it's recommended to blend biodiesel with petrodiesel or add anti-gel additives to prevent biodiesel from gelling.
Another thing most biodieselers do when getting started is to change their fuel filters before using biodiesel and then change them again a few thousand miles later. This is to prevent the filters from plugging up due to biodiesel's solvent properties. As it's used, it may knock some of the "gunk" off of the walls of the fuel tank and fuel lines that have built up from the use of petrodiesel. Replacing the fuel filter's is just a precaution to ensure the engines keep on running.